A New Set Of Fangs: Asia’s Tech Tigers Storm The ASX

 | Sep 26, 2018 13:03

Originally published by BetaShares

Although American based tech giants – such as Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL), Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) and Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) – are already household names, it may surprise some investors to know that Asia has technologically leapfrogged the US in several respects and has many successful tech megastars of its own. As this note will demonstrate, these Asian tech tigers provide Australian investors another tech-based global growth opportunity, and one that also offers handy diversification outside of the red hot US technology market.

h2 Asia – technologically leapfrogging the West/h2

The United States has long been known as a technology leader in global markets. But due to its younger, tech-savvy population and less developed traditional retail, media and communication industries, it may surprise some investors to know that Asia is already surpassing the West in terms of online activity and many technological advancements.

Despite having a much lower per capita income, for example*:

  • China had 772 million internet users as at end-2017, or more than twice as many as in the U.S.
  • 20% of Chinese retail spending was transacted online last year, compared to only 10% in the U.S.
  • 40% of online payments in China are made via mobile phone, compared to only 15% in the U.S.