Australian property prices up 1.1% in June, but downside risk 'very high'

 | Jul 03, 2023 16:08

This means property prices have risen 3.4% since bottoming out in February.

Key points
  • Australian property prices rose 1.1% in June.
  • This is a slowing in the growth rate, but prices have overall risen 3.4% since February.
  • High interest rates are constricting demand, but so far this has been more than offset by low supply.

The median dwelling value for June was $723,006, which remains 6% ($45,771) lower than the peak of $768,777 in April 2022.

After the growth rate rose from 0.5% in April to 1.2% in May, June marked a slight slowdown, but all capital cities except Hobart saw property prices increase in June.

Sydney continues to lead the way with prices up another 1.7% (after rising 1.8% in May), followed by Brisbane, up 1.3% (1.4% in May), then Perth and Adelaide, which both saw the index increase by 0.9% (compared to 1.3% and 0.9% respectively in May).

Regional areas recorded a more modest 0.5% growth, the same as May, rising 1.2% in total since February.

CoreLogic's research director Tim Lawless says low supply continues to keep upward pressure on housing values.

"Through June, the flow of new capital city listings was nearly -10% below the previous five year average and total inventory levels are more than a quarter below average," Mr Lawless said.