Fear And Feeling Helpless - You Versus You

 | Oct 27, 2016 13:54

Originally published by Chamber of Merchants

Note: This is the conversation I have with myself when the stops get run on my holdings, in this example I use Blackham Resources Ltd (AX:BLK) because its relevant today.

My holdings are always in companies that I am confident will appreciate into the quarter. This post discusses my thought process during a run on stops, when I am confident that the overall trend is up.

On the other hand, when there is a share that I need to cut then I do that. (looking back I have cut my losses by approximately 5k AUD by exiting that little trade that turned on me. It’s dropped by another 35% since my exit. Dodged a bullet by thinking clearly).

But until then, it’s case of mind over matter.

On a day like today when the share prices are lower than we would like, we should Think More and Feel Less.

h3 Why do you feel fearful?/h3

Generally, I feel fearful when I feel out of control. This means something unexpected is happening and I don’t know how to process the information. I start eyeing the sell button as a means to end my discomfort.

Solution: Has my original thesis changed? Has the global environment changed in such a way that my sector will no longer be profitable or desirable.

No, everything is still the same. In fact the when I look at the depth on the my share that’s being raided, it shows that retail traders just like me are panicking and sending the stock lower to try and save their trades.

Think back. Ah yes. That’s how a dragonfly doji candle is created. Sellers panic, selling for a price that is too low. Then buyers snap the shares up sending the price back up.

Stop losses are notorious for “accidentally” selling traders out, only to have the price go back up and leave the trader behind to re-enter at a higher price.