High Yield Bonds Lead the Pack, While Stocks Lag in Yield Race

 | Apr 24, 2024 22:57

The average 12-month trailing yield for the major asset classes has ticked up so far this year, based on a set of proxy ETFs through yesterday’s close (Apr. 23) vs. early January. Relative to Treasury yields, however, government bonds continue to offer higher payouts.

The average trailing yield for risk assets is currently 3.89%, according to data from Morningstar.com. That’s slightly above the 3.81% mark when CapitalSpectator.com ran the numbers on Jan. 8.

Once again, investors can find substantially higher yields in US government securities. For example, a 10-year Treasury currently yields 4.61%, or 72 basis points above the average trailing payout for the major asset classes via the ETF proxies in the table below.