How have RBA cash rate rises affected car loan rates?

 | Mar 04, 2024 17:22

If you’ve attended a barbeque, dinner party, or even a workplace watercooler in recent times, it's likely you’ve had or heard conversations about interest rates. How high rates are right now, how low a rate a mate managed to find, and what rates might do next have all been major talking points since the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) began its hiking spree in May 2022.

Since then, rising mortgage interest rates have placed many Australian homeowners under financial strain. But what about those who owe money on a car loan, or are considering taking out finance for a new set of wheels?

Have car loan interest rates increased at a similar rate as home loans? And if not, why not?

Let’s dive into the relationship between the RBA cash rate and car loan interest rates, beginning with the basics.

Why does the RBA cash rate impact interest rates?/h2

Prior to 2022, you’d be forgiven for not having heard of the RBA cash rate. It's the central bank’s only tool against inflation, which had arguably been too low in the years leading up to 2022. Low inflation led the cash rate on a generally downwards trajectory in the decade to 2020, reaching a record low 0.1% that year.

But how does the cash rate influence inflation and interest rates? Well, the cash rate determines, among other things, how much banks have to pay to borrow the money they provide to consumers through the likes of home loans and car loans. Thus, when the cash rate is high, banks have to pay more to upkeep their business, and they tend to charge borrowers more, in the form of higher interest rates, to cover their higher costs.

The RBA aims to keep inflation in the realms of 2% to 3% on an annual basis. However, on the back of the pandemic and record household savings, inflation took off in 2021 and 2022, forcing the RBA to increase the cash rate 13 times to 4.35% by November 2023.

And while home loan interest rates have been widely reported and discussed in the months and years since, those on car loans appear to have been largely left out of the conversation.

Have car loan interest rates increased since the RBA’s first hike?/h2

Take a look at the chart below, depicting both the cash rate and movement in interest rates on new loans from April 2022 to November 2023.