Intrigued By Crypto But Fearful Too? Try A 'Poor Persons' Coinbase Covered Call

 | Jun 16, 2021 22:54

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase Global (NASDAQ:COIN) on Apr. 14 via a direct listing. Unlike a standard initial public offering, a company that completes a direct listing doesn't issue any new shares or raise additional capital. Instead, it opens up the sale of its shares directly to the public.

COIN started trading at $381 and hit a record high of $429.54 on the first day it went public. Since then, however, the trend has been down. On May 19, COIN stock hit an all-time low of $208. Now, as we write on Tuesday afternoon, the shares are hovering at $236.

Despite the decline in the share price over the past two months, the Street concurs that the digital platform has significant potential. In fact, given the interest and volatility in the price of cryptos, Coinbase has become one of the most widely followed stocks on Wall Street. Some investors might also regard COIN as a proxy to holding digital currencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, as well as other altcoins.

Therefore, potential investors might consider buying the stock for their growth portfolio. However, investing in 100 shares of COIN stock would cost around $23,600, a considerable investment for many people.

Some investors might prefer to put together a "poor person's covered call" on the stock instead. So today we introduce a diagonal debit spread on Coinbase Global by using LEAPS options. Such a strategy is sometimes used to replicate a covered call position at a considerably lower cost.

Investors who are new to options might want to-revisit our previous articles on LEAPS options (for example, here and here) first, before reading further.