Ponzi Economy, 2024

 | Mar 06, 2024 07:19

Though the economy is stable and markets are bullish by definition of price trends, the underpinning is anything but healthy.h2 The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days/h2

Of course, increasing debt leverage has been the game for decades now. Taking a stance against this leveraged and massive debt monster may have been right in theory and in essence, but would have been wrong in actual results, save for a few meltdowns over the last 2.4 decades of the worst (or some would say best) of it.

The debt has increased markedly during a time when the Fed is supposedly tightening monetary policy. The government (fiscal) is spending like a drunken sailor with Treas/Sec Janet Yellen, who I assume has a direct line to the outwardly hawkish Jerome Powell, right in there overseeing the process.