Strapped for cash? Household savings ratio reaches 15-year low

 | Jun 07, 2023 16:19

This marks the sixth consecutive quarterly decline in the household savings ratio, as household spending continues to outpace the growth in household income.

Key points
  • Household savings ratio falls to 3.7% - the lowest level since June 2008.
  • Savings ratio expected to decline further as future rate hikes are likely and cost of living pressures continue to mount.
  • GDP lifts 0.2% quarterly and 2.3% annually in March 2023.

“The household savings ratio fell to its lowest level in nearly 15 years,” said Katherine Keenan, ABS Head of National Accounts.

“This was driven by higher income tax payable and interest payable on dwellings, and increased spending due to the rising cost of living pressures.”

To put the rate of decline into perspective, the housing savings ratio sat at 13.5% in December 2021 off the back of significant savings buffers built throughout the pandemic.

Speaking to, PRD Chief Economist Dr Asti Mardiasmo said the decline in household savings is a major concern given our long-term running average is approximately 5%.

“Rapid cash rate rises and cost of living increases have directly impacted our savings levels with more of us either not saving as much, or dipping into our savings,” Dr Mardiasmo said.

“The scary part is that the household savings ratio is at an aggregate level - that is, the whole of Australia.

“That means at a distribution level - so different demographics, different incomes - there will be households that have less than 4.5% in their savings.

“These are our most vulnerable group of people.”