Struggling NSW Households Promised $100m of Additional Energy Bill Relief

 | Sep 18, 2023 16:11

The 2023-2024 NSW Budget, to be released tomorrow, will include an additional $100 million of support for eligible concession card holders amid soaring power bills.

Key points
  • The 2023-2024 NSW Budget will offer extra energy bill relief for eligible low-income households, pensioners, self-funded retirees, and families
  • Eligible households could receive energy rebates of up to $350 from mid-2024, with $250 available for families and seniors
  • It comes as Aussie energy bills rose 6% in the month of July
  • The upcoming NSW Budget will also see rebates on EVs scrapped and $260 million set aside to invest in EV infrastructure

That will see certain energy rebates increasing by as much as 39% from 1 July 2024.

“We understand many people are doing it tough,” NSW minister for energy and climate change Penny Sharpe said.

“This additional funding will make a material difference to some of the most vulnerable members of our community.”

The extra funding will see the Low Income Household Rebate and Medical Energy Rebate increase 23% to $350.

The Family Energy Rebate will also jump 39% to $250, while those in a partial rate who also receive the Low Income Household Rebate will see their assistance climb from $20 to $30.

Finally, the Seniors Energy Rebate will increase 25% to $250 and the Life Support Rebate will increase by 22% for each piece of equipment.

Right now, the Life Support Rebate offers an annual rebate of up to $1,343 for eligible households who use at-home life support equipment, such as home dialysis, ventilators and oxygen concentrators.