The Next Big Move In AsiaFX Depends On The US Dollar Not The Region

 | Nov 16, 2016 15:12

Originally published by AxiTrader h2 Quick Summary/h2

The last week hasn't been kind to Asian forex with the regions currencies coming under pressure as traders price both economically negative policies and a divergence in central bank policies into a stronger US dollar and weaker Asia forex.

That seen the Yuan hit an 8 year low, the Malaysian Ringgit get hammered, and weakness across the entire spectrum of regional currencies. The big question now as the US dollar index faces the hurdle of a double top and 5 year highs is whether or not it's time for a puse in Asian forex, especially Yuan weakness, or whether the show has just begun.

h2 What You Need To Know/h2

When even the Korean Won looks like it is trying to rally despite the enduring troubles that president Park Geun-hye is still under extreme pressure to resign you have to wonder if maybe the worst is over for this latest run of Asian currency selling.