What is the Piotroski Score & How to Use It In Your Investing Game?

 | May 02, 2024 15:30

Are you tired of sifting through endless piles of stock data, trying to find that one golden nugget of an investment opportunity? Look no further! InvestingPro+ is here to revolutionize your investment journey, providing you with the ultimate stock analysis tool designed to unearth lucrative investment prospects with ease.

At the heart of InvestingPro+ lies its powerful stock screener, the Piotroski Score, a game-changer for investors seeking high-quality stocks. The Piotroski Score evaluates a company's financial strength based on specific criteria such as profitability, leverage, liquidity, and operational efficiency. Companies with high Piotroski Scores are indicative of strong fundamentals and are often poised for substantial growth.

With just a few clicks, the Piotroski Score screener filters through a universe of over 2000 stocks, presenting you with a handpicked selection of high-scoring gems. It not only saves you precious time but also supercharges your portfolio returns by focusing on companies with robust fundamentals.