U.S. panel approves Big Tech critic to head Justice Department Antitrust Division


Published Oct 29, 2021 00:58

Updated Oct 29, 2021 01:25

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee approved on a voice vote the nomination of Google critic Jonathan Kanter, the third of three progressives named to top U.S. antitrust posts, to head the Justice Department's Antitrust Division.

In his confirmation hearing, Kanter pledged to enforce antitrust law in agriculture, pharmaceuticals and the labor market, as well as in Big Tech.

Senator Amy Klobuchar, chair of the panel's antitrust subcommittee, supported Kanter, saying he has a deep understanding of the issues.

In a sign of tougher enforcement, the Biden administration previously chose two antitrust progressives with tech expertise, Tim Wu for the National Economic Council and Lina Khan to be chair of the Federal Trade Commission.